Accident Investigation Tools Training (Classroom Course)

About Course

Learn fundamentals such as incidents, accidents and near misses
Understand what Incident reporting is and why it is crucial
Comprehend good Incident Reporting formats
Categorize HSE incidents and assess risk categories
Calculate Incident Frequency and Severity Rates
Prepare internal and external Incident Reports
Understand types, methodology and details of investigations
Gain knowledge of criteria to decide types of investigation
Understand the composition of investigation teams and responsibilities of members
Comprehend the guidelines, skills and precautions for the execution of the investigation
Learn and use Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to arrive at root and generic causes of incidents
Basic knowledge of the investigation and RCA tools
Use the causes to develop Corrective and Preventive Action Plans (CAP & PAP)
Check the effectiveness of the implementation of CAPs and PAPs
Understand and practice skills to draft and generate Investigation Report


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What Will You Learn?

  • Learn and use Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to arrive at root and generic causes of incidents
  • Basic knowledge of the investigation and RCA tools
  • Use the causes to develop Corrective and Preventive Action Plans (CAP & PAP)
  • Check the effectiveness of the implementation of CAPs and PAPs
  • Understand and practice skills to draft and generate Investigation Report.
  • And many more.

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